home coloraday archive 2010 jun days • french & american recycled colored plastic april • color concept & theory widgets and apps march • red: a portrait of a artist rothko feb • talking heads as figure/ground jan • tanja's black light dance party archive 2009 dec • tootsie roll wrappers colors and flavors nov • stephen vitiello's four color sound oct • atmospheric perspective sept • a rainbow of antioxidants colors aug • floor stain colors july • minimal colors june • wildflowers cataloged by color may • tennis court colors april • morandi's neutral colors march • grid colorists february • black as film noir january • flood of toxic minerals used in paints archive 2008 december • comple-mentary colors november • kettle korn packaging color change october • green fluorescent protein september • red palms & not green august • blue tunes july • “blue” - textile museum june • “fiesta- ware” colorants may • “blue alchemy” hive gallery april • “sennelier” selecting watercolours | | about coloraday©2008 is an ongoing blog launched on April 28, 2008. My primary goal for this image based reference website is to have daily postings of both traditional information and personal observations (mine and others) on a comprehensive range of color concept and theory topics. I also wish to inspire all who view the site with the same excitement and passion that I have for this subject. I welcome postings, observations and articles by students, colleagues and all color enthusiasts.* *Please submit your color sightings: observations, leads, articles and images to help build the “color-a-day” site into a full-color, spectrum of information. All posted entry contributions will be given full citation credits. Click here for comments form on contact & comments page. profile Currently, as designer, illustrator and mixed media artist, I have been an instructor at AiCA-SF for over 10 years teaching in the foundation arts, graphic design and fashion marketing programs. Since moving to California in 1980, I have also taught at the California College of the Arts, East Bay State University Hayward and other Bay Area schools. Before moving to California, I was an Assistant Professor at Elmhurst College, Elmhusrt, Illinois and guest instructor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago where I received my BFA and MFA degrees.
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